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About Valerie Dansereau

About Valerie Dansereau

Valerie Dansereau has more than twenty years of experience in corporate America, so the world of business is very familiar turf. She has written for many different types of business from healthcare to addiction recovery to banking to B2B. For Peaceful Leaders Academy, she focuses on conflict management, de-escalation, and leadership development.
5 10, 2023

The True Cost of Workplace Conflict in 2024

By |2024-01-05T09:23:37-08:00October 5, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The True Cost of Workplace Conflict in 2024

For many of us, workplace conflict is something we try to avoid as much as possible. However, it’s also one of those things that seems unavoidable as it can occur at any time for any number of reasons. Unfortunately, although this conflict is relatively common, there are no standards [...]

5 10, 2023

What is An Organizational Paradigm & How to Know When Change is Needed

By |2023-10-05T03:31:26-07:00October 5, 2023|Workplace Wellness, Communication Skills|Comments Off on What is An Organizational Paradigm & How to Know When Change is Needed

Change is a constant factor in the universe, both in large and small doses. In a broader sense, humanity and civilization change to adapt to different elements, such as the environment, political upheaval, or large-scale conflicts. Even human consciousness can change—the way we think today is far different than the [...]

5 10, 2023

Workplace Conflict Statistics in 2024

By |2024-07-16T11:11:02-07:00October 5, 2023|Workplace Wellness, Communication Skills, Conflict Management|Comments Off on Workplace Conflict Statistics in 2024

Workplace conflict is ubiquitous. You are so focused on your tasks, and on the workplace conflicts in your immediate vicinity, though, that you probably have never thought to quantify them. Once you look at the numbers, it becomes obvious that your team is not the only one experiencing conflict [...]

4 10, 2023

What is Trauma-Informed Leadership? A Business-Oriented Approach

By |2024-07-16T11:14:24-07:00October 4, 2023|Communication Skills, Leadership Coaching, Leadership Skills|Comments Off on What is Trauma-Informed Leadership? A Business-Oriented Approach

One of the first things that managers tell you at your first job is, “The customer is always right.” This is cold comfort when customers are directing their inappropriate emotional responses at you, though. The more practical piece of wisdom that you get from your coworkers early on is, “When [...]

9 02, 2023

Conflict Management Activities For Employees

By |2023-03-16T18:27:31-07:00February 9, 2023|Communication Skills, Conflict Management|Comments Off on Conflict Management Activities For Employees

When two or more employees are involved in a conflict that they’re having difficulty solving, productivity is likely to be affected and so is morale. If they can’t work through it, things continue to spiral out of control, and the next thing you know, more people are affected than [...]

3 02, 2023

What Not To Do When Managing Conflict Between Employees

By |2024-07-16T11:08:01-07:00February 3, 2023|Conflict Management, Leadership Skills|Comments Off on What Not To Do When Managing Conflict Between Employees

In any workplace, the people that interact with each other all day every day have different personalities, opinions and backgrounds and that means it’s highly unlikely that conflict and disagreements will never come up. Not all conflict is bad. Constructive conflict can stimulate discussions and innovative ideas, and many conflicts [...]

27 01, 2023

Key Skills For Handling Conflict In The Workplace

By |2023-03-24T17:22:29-07:00January 27, 2023|Leadership Skills, Communication Skills, Conflict Management|Comments Off on Key Skills For Handling Conflict In The Workplace

A group of people that work together day in and day out may get along most of the time but disputes and disagreements happen at some point in every workplace. Conflict isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes conflict is the catalyst needed to brainstorm new ideas. For your team [...]

26 01, 2023

Learning From Famous Business Leaders With Good Communication Skills

By |2023-10-19T07:21:38-07:00January 26, 2023|Communication Skills, Leadership Skills|Comments Off on Learning From Famous Business Leaders With Good Communication Skills

Communication is a timeless skill that business leaders in every industry need. An individual with great ideas needs to be able to effectively communicate them so that others can be influenced, persuaded, motivated or inspired. Anyone who aspires to be a great leader understands that communication in all forms [...]

18 01, 2023

3 Effective Conflict Management Approaches In The Workplace

By |2023-10-19T07:34:17-07:00January 18, 2023|Conflict Management, Leadership Skills|Comments Off on 3 Effective Conflict Management Approaches In The Workplace

People that spend long hours together every week at work can end up not seeing eye to eye from time to time. Most of the time, disagreements resolve themselves without intervention from those in leadership, but some conflicts escalate to the point where they can no longer be ignored. [...]

13 01, 2023

Challenges Of Leadership: Dealing With Conflict

By |2023-10-19T07:37:50-07:00January 13, 2023|Conflict Management, Leadership Skills|Comments Off on Challenges Of Leadership: Dealing With Conflict

In most work settings, leaders face a wide variety of challenging situations. If you want to be an effective leader, one important characteristic you need to have is the ability to deal with whatever comes up, including conflict. Conflicts between employees may come up when you least expect it. [...]

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