best conflict resolution certification

How do you choose the best conflict resolution certification? It makes sense to pursue conflict resolution training since it can help prepare you to deal with conflicts before they happen in any setting. Conflict resolution skills are in demand in the workplace, so the more you know about this important topic, the more valuable you’ll be to your current employer or to potential employers if you’re looking to make a change.

Options in Conflict Resolution Certification

Certification in conflict resolution is offered both in-person and online, and one of the first things to consider when choosing the best conflict resolution certification for you is what format works best for you. Some programs are offered 100% online while others offer part of the certification course online and other parts of the training in person. Sharpening skills in conflict resolution requires practice, and it can also be helpful to work one-on-one with an expert in the field who serves as a coach or mentor. Some programs also offer group coaching which allows participants to learn from the coach and from each other.

Some people find that online certification is the best choice since these programs offer flexibility and convenience by not requiring you to spend time away from home or work. Many of these certification programs are self-paced, allowing you to work on learning or sharpening skills whenever it’s most convenient for you.

If you feel that an in-person setting might give you better hands-on training and practice, some training programs are offered using this approach. You may benefit from in-person interactions, simulations and discussions and this may help you to have a clearer understanding of body language and the way people relate to each other.

Topics Included

A variety of topics may be included in conflict resolution certification. Some topics you may want to learn more about include:

  • Recognizing conflict and knowing when to intervene
  • Causes of conflict
  • Communication skills which may include topics like having difficult conversations, active listening and emotional intelligence
  • Earning trust and cooperation
  • Keeping emotional reactions under control
  • Dealing with difficult people
  • Nonverbal communication skills including body language and facial expressions
  • Different strategies that can be used in addressing conflict
  • Addressing cultural differences and unconscious bias and how to find a common ground

Many certification programs offer the opportunity to receive real-time feedback on different approaches to conflict. Role-playing may be used to demonstrate how conflict can intensify and the different ways disputes can be approached. This type of program gives you a chance to practice skills in a safe environment which can help you feel better prepared for conflicts that may occur in the future.

Negotiation and Mediation Skills

Becoming an expert in conflict resolution includes learning and mastering negotiation and mediation skills. Programs that offer in-depth training in mediation help you to learn to build trust to encourage people to open up to you. To be an effective mediator, you learn skills like active listening, questioning and clarifying which can help to broaden your understanding of the best ways to resolve disputes. These skills can help you in your current career or may prepare you to be considered for other opportunities.

Not all conflict is bad, but conflict that’s disrupting the workplace and leading to decreased productivity, absenteeism and staff turnover has to be addressed. When you decide to pursue conflict resolution certification, you’ll acquire the tools you need to effectively resolve conflict in a way that brings about positive change. Spend some time considering what you’re looking for in a conflict resolution certification.

If you prioritize peaceful and productive working relationships, reach out to Peaceful Leaders Academy to learn more about Peaceful Leadership Certification.