types of leadership communication

Communication is an integral part of leadership. If you’re in a leadership role, you’re probably engaging in some type of communication all day long, whether it’s with your staff, other departments, supervisors or vendors. Your goal as a leader is to be an outstanding communicator and to create a positive and peaceful work environment. To be an effective leader, there are several different types of leadership communication to work on.

Directing and Delegating

Effective leaders project decisiveness and confidence, and this includes directing your team on projects and delegating tasks.  When things aren’t working the way that you’re hoping or the team is faced with new challenges, you clearly let the team know what needs to change, which might mean some people work on different tasks or collaborate with different people.

Failure of leaders to direct their staff can lead to confusion and conflict. Employees who report to a weak leader who doesn’t take charge often become dissatisfied. The result is less productivity, and some may begin looking for other opportunities outside the department and possibly outside the company.

Motivating and Inspiring

Your staff looks to you for guidance in many areas. There are times when you need to communicate a vision of where you’re going as a team or an organization and why. This means sharing goals, encouragement and motivation. When you’re able to inspire and motivate your staff, morale and performance often improve.

Leaders who fail to work on motivating and inspiring their team can contribute to low morale and a sense of being unappreciated. Instead, recognize and reward performance that aligns with the company’s mission and vision.


A big part of effective communication is listening to what others are trying to tell you. Be available to your staff and give any staff member that requests some of your time your undivided attention. It’s helpful to schedule regular one-on-one meetings with team members. This gives you an opportunity to find out their concerns and listen to their ideas.

Active listening is among the most important types of leadership communication. This means being fully present while you listen carefully to what the other person is telling you. Take notes and ask questions to make sure there’s no misunderstanding. Repeat back to the other person what you’ve heard, which gives them a chance to clarify anything that could be misinterpreted. Pay attention to not only their words but their nonverbal communication which includes body positioning and facial expressions.

Having Difficult Conversations

As a leader, you need the ability to deal with team members who may not be delivering performance that’s acceptable, whether this means not completing work when expected, having poor attendance or provoking conflict with other team members. Poor performance shouldn’t be ignored. Leaders need to have the ability to navigate difficult conversations while remaining calm. Clearly communicate expectations and consequences if necessary. Recognize when your efforts to communicate aren’t working and you may need to involve HR or outside conflict management experts.

Improving Communication Skills

Different types of leadership communication skills aren’t learned once and then always used to perfection. Interacting with others frequently presents new challenges and opportunities to learn or improve your ability to communicate. Remember that there’s always more to learn, and don’t overlook opportunities to learn leadership skills through webinars or formal training programs. Consider working with peers to practice communication skills with role-playing exercises. Working with a mentor or coach is a good way to get feedback on areas that could use improvement and what you need to work on to be an effective leader.

Reach out to Peaceful Leaders Academy to learn more about peaceful leadership programs.