On-Demand Training Course
Below you will find a list of our most popular de-escalation courses, which we have delivered all over the country to teams in more than 60 industries. Just click on the workshop(s) you’re interested in for a video preview of the course and to sign up right through our website.
What to Expect from Online De-Escalation Training
Learn important de-escalation skills that can help you deal with stressful situations or a crisis in the workplace. PLA’s online training programs include:
- A simple 5-step sequence for de-escalating others
- Effective tools for emotional self-management
- The psychology of escalated conflict
- How fundamentals of conflict resolution can de-escalate
- Learning assessments and Certificate of Completion
Training Testimonials
Online Conflict De-Escalation Training
When you’re confronted with an individual in the workplace whose emotions have gotten out of control, the way you handle it can have a big impact on what happens next. There’s a right way and a wrong way to handle a person who is clearly very upset whether you’re confronted by a coworker, an employee or a customer.
De-escalation training is a way to learn to handle emotionally volatile situations so that you don’t make a bad situation worse and you stay in control of your own emotional reactions. Peaceful Leaders Academy offers online workplace conflict de-escalation training for employees to help you be prepared to face or deal with a crisis.
When Workplace Conflicts Get Out of Control
Conflict at the workplace happens at organizations of all sizes and in all types of industries. There are many possible triggers for workplace conflict, and there are times when seemingly minor conflicts intensify to a boiling point. Situations that may need de-escalation include:
- Out of control emotions including rage and hostility
- Invasion of personal space
- Violence including physical assaults or threats of assault
Violence at the workplace or threats to the personal safety of staff should never be tolerated. While many workplace disputes are successfully resolved without intervention from management or an outside mediator, it’s important to be prepared for crisis situations or incidents that may require de-escalation.
Who Should Take De-Escalation Training?
People at all levels of your organization can benefit from training. Those that regularly deal with the public or with triggered individuals need to have the tools to deal with individuals who are exhibiting turbulent emotions.
Similarly, those in management need the de-escalation skills to be prepared to deal with a variety of situations, such as an employee having an extreme emotional response to negative feedback or a conflict between coworkers that continues to intensify.
If any of your staff consists of customer service representatives, they need the ability to sooth and reassure customers who are angry or frustrated.
What You Will Learn in PLA’s Online De-Escalation Training
When you go through the training provided by Peaceful Leaders Academy, you learn important de-escalation skills that can help you deal with stressful situations or a crisis in the workplace. Things you can learn through an online training course include:
- How to recognize a crisis or a conflict that’s intensifying
- Recognizing early warning signs of aggression
- How to keep your own emotions under control using self-regulation techniques
- How to communicate effectively and use verbal de-escalation techniques for calming others and yourself
- How using the proper body language including awareness of facial expressions can help to encourage calmness
- Improve your ability to listen with empathy and understand another’s point of view
Some people have a short fuse and frequently become reactive over small inconveniences while others who are usually calm may suddenly blow up without warning. Ongoing conflict that’s unresolved has the potential to trigger drama or aggression.
De-escalation training for employees provides useful, easy-to-remember skills that can be used when you’re unexpectedly faced with an escalating situation.
Benefits of an Online Course in Conflict De-Escalation Training
De-escalation is an important skill to have whenever you’re faced with an explosive situation or a triggered individual both at work and in your daily life outside work. When an organization has people in management who are trained to respond to conflict before it intensifies, it gives employees confidence in management and helps to create a culture of safety and job satisfaction.
When employees at all levels have the training that they need to be prepared to de-escalate conflict before it gets out of control, it can reduce the likelihood of drama, tension or hostility on the job. Reduced conflict at work allows employees to be calmer and more productive. Communication and collaboration improve.
Many people find an online training course to be ideal, especially if there’s limited time available for training. Going through online de-escalation training saves your company the time and expense of traveling to another location for classroom training.
Why Choose Peaceful Leaders Academy
PLA is recognized by the Society for Human Resource Management
to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.