Effective leader communication is one of the hallmarks of business success. Unfortunately, there are many business leaders who are not great communicators and their companies–and employees–suffer for it as a result. If you are a business leader concerned about your skills in this regard, review common signs of ineffective or poor communication below.
Clarity Is An Ongoing Issue
If it seems like team members and fellow supervisors are always asking you to clarify statements, memos, emails, and meeting notes, it’s time to do an internal review. Employees need clear instructions and other pertinent information every day to do their jobs, and do them well. If they are constantly wading through vague explanations or asking you to clarify what you meant, they are losing precious work time. Productivity subsequently decreases, which can cause the business’s owners to question your leadership. Rather than dealing with these stressors, focus on being concise and ensuring you cover every viable point in all business literature.
Emails Go Unanswered…Or Answered Too Late
As a business leader, you have a lot to do every day. And while it’s normal to leave some emails unanswered, at least for a few hours or a day, perpetually ignoring emails or answering them when the questions are no longer relevant doesn’t help you, your clients, or anyone on your team. To put an end to the frustration this causes, think about how you can answer emails in a more timely manner. Using a timer and giving yourself 30 to 60 minutes to reply to various emails can be helpful, or perhaps adding your business email to all of your devices is necessary. It might take some experimenting, but you should be able to find a system that helps you answer emails relatively quickly and reap the increased production benefits that follow.
You Always Keep to Yourself
While you don’t have to be an “open book” or constantly allow employees into your office, keeping to yourself is never a good idea. It can make you appear standoffish, shy, or unapproachable. If team members do not feel they can talk to you or ask you questions whenever they need answers, productivity once again takes a hit. To help you overcome this hurdle, consider sending a company-wide email stating that your office door is always open to anyone who needs answers or clarification. Make it clear that you are here to help and want them to succeed. It can also help to start being more personable, such as greeting employees when they arrive and saying bye when they leave. You do not have to be their best friend by any means, but they should feel that they can talk to you.
Providing Information at the Last Minute
Last-minute assignments, project details, and deadline announcements not only hurts leader communication, it makes you very unpopular. “Springing” information on your team can overwhelm, upset, and frustrate them, especially since they are likely trying to achieve that coveted work/life balance. Giving them plenty of notice to complete assignments and projects shows that you value their time and want everyone to do well. It also shows the “higher-ups” that you are efficient and committed to remaining productive. Everyone involved will feel better and the workplace will become a more positive environment. Issues like high turnover rates will probably decrease as well, which boosts your business’s reputation as a fantastic place to work.
Developing good leader communication skills takes time and dedication, but is well worth the effort. You’ll feel more confident about your managerial abilities!
For more about leader communication, contact Peaceful Leaders Academy today.