The theory centers around the Three Psychological Pillars:

Do your team members trust that you are leading them effectively and that you have their best interests in mind? Do they also feel trusted by you, to do their jobs and to manage their time competently?

Do your team members feel they are psychologically safe with you? To express their needs, goals, and values authentically without the fear of punishment or humiliation?

Do your team members feel they are psychologically safe with you? To express their needs, goals, and values authentically without the fear of punishment or humiliation?

Do your team members feel included in decisions that affect their lives? Do they feel their voices are heard and ideas considered? Are they given a space for feedback and input?

Can you afford leadership that isn’t peaceful?
As much as 90% of workplace conflicts are due to ineffective leadership. Mismanaged conflict leads to lower morale, productivity, and innovation, as well as higher turnover and legal ramifications. Can you afford that?